Real Estate Life

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Good-Bye 2005

Well another year has come and past and it went by so fast I feel like I only experienced half of it.
I look back and think WOW what a year.
I went to school (Thank You Christie) and got my Real Estate license. I sold ove $1,000,000.00 in less than 6 months. Christie and I were recognized as one of the top producers in our first 3 month with Loss Realty Group.
I don't think I could have done it without you Christie thanks for pushing me in the right direction.
Tonight sould be a good time. We're going downtown to a club. I've never been to this club even though I've heard a lot of good things about it, so now I can make my own opinion. STAY TUNED I'll let you know how it went.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Floor Time

Today is Tuesday and I have floor shift from 3:00-6:00 and I also picked up the shift from 12:00-3:00. Which means I will answer phones in the office from noon till six. how I wish i brought my new iPod.
I could have watched another episode of lost.
The current time is 3:23 and I've gotten 2 leads. When I say I have 2 leads that just means someone called in and either I talked to them sent them some info on homes or I have given them my cell phone number and they said they would call me when they are ready to look at a home.
That in translation is: don't hold your breath, although I did have a guy call me back and I sold him a home so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Anyone out there looking to buy a home or sell? I would be more than happy to help you find or sell your home. You may also feel free to ask me any question about real estate and I will gladly answer your question(s).
I would also really appreciate any referrals anyone might have.

Have a good day everyone.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Wife Swap

Ok I'm sitting here watching Wife Swap (Husband Edition). How could anyone sign up for this? I've watched this show 2-3 times and have never seen an episode where the familys weren't completely opposite.
Now, I know this is the idea to have different types of familys but where do they get these people? The familys seem to have no idea.
Anyway lets talk about something else.
How about the new iPod I got for Christmas!!!!
I have a 30G video iPod and need some help. I want to know where I can get the program that changes the registry code for music, movies and videos so I can transfer it as many times as I would like.
See I have 2 other family members with iPods one has the same 30G video and the other person has the 60g video.
Can someone who has used the program succesfully let me know where to get it.
Thanks In Advance.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is already here and I don't feel like it should be. Man how time just passes so fast anymore.
I really want to go sledding again it was so mch fun. It was hard getting myself out there but once I was I didn't want to stop playing.
It's funny I like to Ski and can spend a whole day on the slops but had no desire to sit my big butt down in a sled.
Does eveyone have their X-Mas shopping done? I DO, only cause Christie does all the shopping for me. Shes so good to me. I of course had to do a little shopping for her even though we agreed to not exchange gifts with eachother. I know she went out and bought me stuff so I feel an obligation to get her gifts too.
So did anyone out there take my advice and go sledding? if so let me know.
Time to go to the inlaws, wish me luck Just Kidding things should be great. Theres keilbasa um um gooood.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Christmas is almost here are you ready?
I'm not. I still have shopping I'm not going to do. I never know what to by people and what people really want. What makes it even worse is when you have friends like I do that already have everything or the gifts you would like to buy them are out of your price range.
So I end up settling for the stupid gift you only see around Christmas time in the middle of an isle and we all know that the gift will only work the first few times you use it or the gift is so stupid or impractical it will never get used at all.
If I had a-lot of money I know I could please anyone because more expencive gifts are usually much more fun.
I'm out of here sorry if this is a boring blog but i'm tiered of typing.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Playing in the snow

Let me tell you, I had an extremly eventful weekend.
In my last blog I was complaining about the cold and the snow. Pretty much winter in general.
I also talked about playing outside and goin sledin. So thats what I did.
Joey and I went sledding this weekend where I use to go as a kid. I had a great time.
Now its changed a little like the hills I loved to challange are smaller now (ha ha), but there were a few things that had changed like the amount of trees have increased and the number of kids that were there but it was still the same old fun.
There are two areas to the park where we would sled and one part the city has added fill to increase the hight of the hill to about 3 times of what it was when I was a young punk.
I think over all the new hill is much better, except there really arn't any molgols to sled through to gain that perfect picture airborn jump.
Over all it's better and safer. So I encourage everyone to go ledding. It makes you feel like a kid again and don't forget your scarf, gloves and hat.
Good night:)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I'm here tonight to re-type again what I deleted.

How many of you out there are tierd of the snow already? I am.

Looking up into the sky as far as your eyes will let you look with a warm cumfortable breeze flowing through your hair. Geez, I can't wait for summer or at least spring.

I must be getting older cause I don't care for winter anymore. My how we change.

Going outside without a coat knowing my mother would ground me to the inside of the house for the rest of the day or bundling up and goin sledding. having to climb back up the hill for hours just for that little 3-4 second screaming of adrenalin rushing fun.

I'm going to to back to the places I used to go sledding as a kid. Stay tuned and I'll let you know how it goes.

If you've made it this far then take a minute and critique my writing , NOT the spelling I know thats bad.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Nothing special

Just another day.
I really don't have anything exciting to write about tonight.
Went to work this morning didn't do anything there that felt productive other than cleaned out half of my old files so I could put them in storage for the next seven years.
I find it annoying that I have an obligation to save the files from deals with clients that are finished.
Does anyone out there know of any cheap way to store paper files on a hard drive or disk?
If so I would appreciate the tip.
Thanks in advance

Sunday, December 04, 2005



I now know that I have a problem. I'm addicted to LOST the series.

Christie bought the first season on DVD and we've watched every episode. Now I know what your thinking, big deal well there are 6 discs all containing 4 episodes a piece at 45 minutes an episode with the last episode being a season finally at 2 hours.

I want more. I've been left hanging with an unbelievable amount of suspense and wonder. Now that the second season has already started I'm stuck.

I'm Out

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Good afternoon,

Last night was poker night here at the house. I had a few buddies over and we played a variety of diffrenet poker games.

I cooked some chili for the boys and we had more beer than we could possably drink. Think about that we were eating chili and drinking beer. Oh my lord you would have to be insane to be around us.

The evening was going well and I was up I would guess at least $70 and then the next thing I know I'm writing IOU's to the men left at the table. I would have to say that I mainly blame the major blow to Gus. Gus can be your friend or your enemy.

Over all I had a great time and I'm looking forward to playing again sometime soon, but I'm not inviting Gus to play again.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

First Timer

Well, this is the very first time for me to post a blog.

So I guess you can say I'm green behind the fingers.

If you ever have any questions, suggestions or comments please feel free to send me an email
PLEASE put in the subject line blog comment so I dont think its junk mail.

Christie and I just finished watching Three Blind Mice, a movie not worth watching so I picked up the laptop half way through the movie and started surfing and that is kinda how I ended up writing this now.

Tom's Quote of The Day
"Always look back to see what you did or to see what you missed"