Real Estate Life

Monday, December 19, 2005

Playing in the snow

Let me tell you, I had an extremly eventful weekend.
In my last blog I was complaining about the cold and the snow. Pretty much winter in general.
I also talked about playing outside and goin sledin. So thats what I did.
Joey and I went sledding this weekend where I use to go as a kid. I had a great time.
Now its changed a little like the hills I loved to challange are smaller now (ha ha), but there were a few things that had changed like the amount of trees have increased and the number of kids that were there but it was still the same old fun.
There are two areas to the park where we would sled and one part the city has added fill to increase the hight of the hill to about 3 times of what it was when I was a young punk.
I think over all the new hill is much better, except there really arn't any molgols to sled through to gain that perfect picture airborn jump.
Over all it's better and safer. So I encourage everyone to go ledding. It makes you feel like a kid again and don't forget your scarf, gloves and hat.
Good night:)


  • So the big event for the weekend was sledding for an hour or so? Must have been some hill.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:53 PM  

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