Shadows Scare Me!

I have this fear of being stuck in the winter season for to long. What I mean is that I worry I might be affected by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). I'm not going to try and explain in to much detail what this ailment is or how it affects people and animals. I have provided a link to a web site I believe has some very educational information.
SAD: is cause mainly from the lack of exposure to sunlight.
I believe we are all affected by this disorder. Some people more than others.
getting out and playing in the snow or hitting the ski slops puts me in a better mood.
There are a few reasons I rather we have a shorter winter.
First of all summer has many more activities to participate in.
Second it's easier to get a tan HAHA.
Third I can go swimming in my own pool.
Forth reason and maybe one of the best reasons is golf.
last but not least I can ride my motorcycle.
Don't get me wrong I don't hate or even dislike winter I just enjoy summer a lot more now that Im getting older. Winter was more fun as a kid.
You might be wondering why I said shadows Scare me in the Title. This is in reference to the groundhog seeing it's shadow.
Good day everyone.
Hey Tom,
I used to go through the S.A.D. junk too each winter. I even got that expensive light that is supposed to give you the sun rays that we don't get during the winter. I can't say that it worked. So, in the end, what worked for me was Crack. Dealing and using.
Just kidding. What did work for me was getting a new hobby which is the gym. It's something I do for ME instead of others for once, ya know? Although it's a bitch to get motivated sometimes, once I'm there, listening to my music and getting an adrenaline rush....suddenly winter isn't that bad.
Hang in there. At least this is a mild winter this year.
Anonymous, at 8:13 AM
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